Monday, February 11, 2013

The Exciting Beginning

The things I do everyday are a little monotonous for me. Don't get me wrong, I love staying at home. But I think every stay at home mom gets this way. I feel like I just wake up, play with baby, eat something, he takes a nap, rinse, repeat 2 more times. But I know that some of the activities that fill my day, and the reasons why we chose to do them, are not quite the norm.
I thought it was a good time to record my daily events and the things that keep me busy. I should have started doing this when baby was born because I know I will want to remember milestones and processes for my next baby, or to help answer others' questions. Unfortunately, I am just starting to feel like I could keep up with a blog.
I am really not a writer. In fact, I kind of hate it. I love the idea of sitting down at the computer, filling up pages of information and facts and tutorials... but the answer is that I only can stand it for a few minutes. What I LOVE doing, though, is answering questions. So I think I will try to ask myself some questions that I think others may be interested in knowing about (and myself in a few years!) and answer them. Maybe things like "Why do you cloth diaper", or "How do you make dairy free quiche" or "Why don't you feed your baby any grains". If you have any questions you would like me to answer, I would love to!
I like to feel helpful :)
I chose the name Home Sweet Homery because, well, I stay at home and our last name is Sweet. I don't think that the word 'Homery' is technically a word at all. I would imagine that if it had a meaning it would be something like "the art of home," which is what I do. I create home for my family. 
Okay- so a little about me. I live in Michigan and have been married to Mr. Awesome.. I mean Mr. Sweet, for almost 5 years. We have a little baby boy who will be 1 in June. Mr. Sweet is in medical school and he has  a long way  to go... like 3.5 years of school and at least 5 of residency. We have a long road ahead of us, but we are up to the challenge!
We have chosen to try to live a more simple, clean lifestyle for our son, and any babies to follow. We don't eat GMOs at home, we try to stick to organic, we don't watch much TV (and none in front of our son), we plan on homeschooling, etc.
Oh, and the most important thing- We love Jesus.
I think that's about it. The quintessential "why I blog" post. But you have to start somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Holly, just look at the past text messages I have sent you. When baby fever strikes I just ask moms questions. You should have enough to cover at least 4 blog posts with my questions from last month alone.
